"Lily Is My Inner Child,Sometimes Feeling Alone-But I Am Here to Help Her"
Lily is my inner child
that's what I've named her.
I think of her as someone separate
from me.
I think of her alone
regretting... always
growing older
not pretty anymore
abandoned by creativity
seeking out, but not finding validation
never measuring up
still struggling despite her efforts to achieve
sitting on the side of the road
with a cup.
Lily is all the things I fear and more...
so that I might have compassion for the Lily 'in me'.
I think of Lily...
her fears
and try to cheer her up!
What are friends for?
She does not need to feel so alone
I am here to help her.
I try to remind her,
that yes!
It IS possible to stand inside a rainbow
that leaves on trees
and baby roses
are tokens that she is worthy of my friendship.
And I sing songs to her
with lyrics that say
she is capable
and can overcome the things she frets about.
Oft times we care for others
more than our our own selves
and forget we exist at all.
I try to give Lily an out, a new road
instead of the same road,
that includes sadness
or whatever I feel causes me or Lily to falter.
Thus I refer to Lily a lot in things I write.
Sometimes Lily falls
and I do too
but the more I decide to love me back
love Lily
the warmer we both are.
Name your inner child too, humm?
Offer that side of you a name
and then embrace it.
Aloha from Lily... and me.
17 September 2008
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
I am represented by Monkdogz Urban Art in New York:
Don't forget my house if for sale in Hawaii:
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