"Fantasy Art Warrior Women Needed! Artists-Do People Post Your Work Without Giving You Recognition?"
Do people find you as an artist because of fantasy art warrior women? Nope, I attribute being represented in New York to my presence on the internet due to writing articles and posting on ezines, mostly Ezine Articles, which is the best. My art in New York, my dream, ANY artist's dream,made real.
Do I worry about people stealing from me?
Yup, cause yup they sometimes do.
and yet...
I have a newsletter that I attribute my efforts in article writing to its membership. I have noticed that when I am not writing articles the flow of new subscribers goes down. I am 'Artist of the Year" in a little town in Ohio. Too cute! My images were used to promote the efforts of a non profit supporting mothers with AIDS. That happened, because of my internet efforts that I feel comes directly from my article writing.
Fine art paintings reproduction, poetry, things you write, pieces of your soul get stolen, so bring out the fantasy art warrior women, and.. and... do what?
Yes, it definitely happens, people snatch what you write, paint, sculpt or whatever and post it on their own site without giving you credit... 'sometimes'. I have seen some of my artwork, articles and poems especially, used w/o my link or name.
Ewwe! YES that makes me stinkin' mad.
Yet, more often I have seen things I have written or artwork posted on sites that 'DO' give me credit. People contact me directly and ask me for permission as well. I would not blame it on article writing though, thieves can find you anywhere online, if you are active at all. It can happen wherever you post, be it on your blog or profile on MySpace or Facebook ... anywhere, it's the nature of the beast, the beast being the internet.
You can do one of four of things, or actually you can do the top three. I guess it depends on your energy level and just how mad you are because you can also do number four:
Scream profanity and jump up and down and tell everyone you know.
Contact the thief directly, tell 'em they need to give you credit for your poem or article or fine art paintings reproduction or whatever.
Report the stinkin' thief, call out the troops! Bring in fantasy art warrior women or the dragon!
Ignore it and move on.
I choose the latter, unless I find a site that is excessive. I expect to see my work posted on unknown sites, because they found me on an ezine, Much more often, than not, they not only post my name and url, but even my information from my posted resource box. It is all what makes that wheel turn that finally leads to me, or you.
As an artist, or anyone for that matter, trying to stand out is tough, as you know. Article writing is the one tool that I rely on, that aids in causing my shining star to say I am here.
When I check my stats for my main website, the numbers are 'substantially' greater when I write and post on ezines, than when not. I see the difference about a month after I post 5-15 in any given thirty day span. My goal it to do more. It is best to get on a roll with article writing and create a steady flow of them.
The number of reads you get also depends on the keywords you use within your article. You don't want to write something that no one will read do you? Good keywords, remember that!
Another advantage of writing articles for an artist, is publicity you never dreamed of. I have been approached by several different interest groups needing images for their particular event or cause. Oft times however, these have been non profit groups, yet they have been causes I have felt proud to help. It's all adverting. Other contacts result in authors wanting illustrators.
The thing is, if you are not out there on the internet for fear of having something stolen from you? 'You are not out there!'
I get url clicks from my articles. Other things can happen for you because of article writing and posting your artwork online. Contacts made with you that you never imagined. Try it and see.
Can people steal from you? Yup. Does bad stuff happen in life? Yup. But more often than not, good stuff happens, the sun comes out and the sky is blue and you won't need your fantasy art warrior women unless they are on canvas,paper or you are sculpting or writing about them.
by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
copyright 2008
The image is of my painting, "For Isa" a 18x24 oil on canvas
ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
I paint and sculpt female fantasy art and map fairy tale adventures. I dream of beautiful women on canvas and art of exotic women.
I have illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Meditations For Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS, taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book, published by Hay House. I also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications. My paintings are collected worldwide.
Giclee canvas art work, greeting cards and posters are available for sale on my website:
Sign up for my mailing list for FREE ART GIFTS suitable for children: Drawings of whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids and fairies in art. Tiny angels whisper fantasy art for shrink art, or coloring pages. Also a "Letter From the Tooth Fairy", ya just never know when you might need one!
I am Represented by:
Monkdogz Urban Art, Inc., 547 West 27th Street, 5th floor, New York, NY 10001
ORIGINAL ART may be purchased through Monkdogz:
Check out one of my Squidoo Lenses too!
Fantasy Art Woman|Beautiful Women Goddess Art:
1 comment:
That's awesome article with beautiful canvas prints,I really love this one,Thanks for sharing such a wonderful Blog..Keep posting..!
print photos onto canvas
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