"The Look"
18x24 oil on canvas
This painting is not from 'any' series, I just painted it for no reason a while back. It seems to reflect my feelings about everything these days.
Some six months ago I fell down a flight of stairs and broke my RIGHT wrist in two places. Yes, I am right handed. After the cast was removed, which was too tight, I was left with nerve damage. I have been going to physical therapy to get the use of my hand back ever since. Yes.... I am paining. I did my first one about 3 weeks ago. Funny it is from my Wild and Crazy Series, my Walk On the Wild Side and all about Neon Blue Series..... lots of names for lots of emotions. I am done crying, I think. I am moving forward and learning to hold the brush in a different way. Yes I know there are people who paint and draw with their mouth. Let me tell you that just seems to be the 'wrong' thing to say.... sorry, I know people have good intensions.
As soon as I take a photo of the new painting I will post it here. Hopefully it will appear in the next few days. It is a 24x48. Let me tell you it weighs about a ton! It took many attempts to get my hand doing what I needed to do. BUT I DID IT! That is the most important thing right?
Aloha, Kathy
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