"Bubble Time"
Last April I fell and broke my right arm. I also received nerve damage and it is not certain that I will regain full use of my hand back. An artist without the use of her right hand is almost more than I could handle. I am drawing now though and am finding things I had not noticed before my fall. I wrote this poem in honor of new discoveries found and treasured.
"I Stood Inside A Rainbow"
I stumbled to find myself
wanting to be lifted
and yet
I fell to smell the earth.
I stayed there for hours
me in brown beginnings
researching the treasure
that before
I had only walked upon.
I pointed my finger
into a tiny hole.
I hoped I might discover
one thing different
I had not known before.
Alas I found myself mesmerized
as an ant climbed from it's cave.
One ant, one tiny ant
a delicate treasure and
a focus in my day.
He became like none other
I had ever seen before
I chosen to lean my attention
sit in pause
and hear life's unmistakable roar.
A reflection in a pond
beyond the ants tiny hole
I leaned to meet the journey.
Who knew a lake would open
by the magic of my own smile.
I found myself host
to a thousand tiny angels
and an afternoon of solace.
I toasted all the Universe
and from roses
I sniffed a glistening vapor of hope.
I knew thirst to touch the dew on roses
and treasure all they had to say
found comfort in their voices
as the sun met their moisture
of an ever so brilliant day
I stood inside a rainbow
Its colors met my skin.
Stepping then outside myself
decoding past objections
I accepted miracles were calling
and stood back to watch them grow.
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