Animated Faery Pictures Inside My Atrium- Protected by Fantasy Art Warrior Women
Animated fairy pictures
I thought I'd lost them
but there within the pages of my notebook
they are protected
by fantasy art warrior women.
I long to know their resilience.
Chinese floral prints
origami folding instructions
flower fairies garden ornaments
kept safely here inside my notebook.
Love poems written to the voice of creativity.
I seek a solace.
I seek a hidden world
once bequeathed inside sweet poems.
I am fairies in art
that got lost in obituary searches.
I somehow know I am not there
so pack up your goddess post.
There will always be ways to end a relationship
this is not that story.
Plant anew
refresh my table
fresh flowers are all lined up
unaware they will soon be picked
Chinese floral prints
despite all those vacant stares.
Heartache bestowed
some self inflicted by way of postponing beauty
beautiful things
that have always been within reach
yet neglected like my baby roses.
These things
sad days
that become a way of life
objections to circumstances
screams that have gone out
embraces eluding to hope
I am defined by what I now accept as normal.
Normal to me.
Still despite the unfolded sheets of paper
knowing I hold clear instructions.
My fantasy art warrior women declined to defend the fort
till now.
Days like this I look out on to the atrium
small pagoda standing in a pretend forest
Japanese intrigue.
I pause in circumstance
and then I live there
beneath the mounds of moss and ferns.
Bonsai's tended with care
I am covered by their illusions of peace.
Obituary searches in the public square
sweet poems attached to someone's marker
animated faery pictures
still melted on my sidewalk.
I will walk there tomorrow
there to find art work in a butterfly garden.
There in a landscape I have known
is a tree
I did once discover a little painting
resting in its arms.
I left it there
with a tiny notebook and a pencil
inside a plastic bag
lest someone choose to lend comment
or perhaps a critique.
Yet I fretted about the critique
the painting's author unknown
it was more about the sentiment
just like the world inside my atrium.
Chinese floral prints
I wear them
I am a fantasy art woman
I fold up pieces of paper
origami folding instructions
I scribble messages
I keep my heart safe there.
I know a story well
fantasy art warrior women
placed a stone inside my pillow
lest I find my name is some obscure obituary search.
by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
copyright 2008
Written 05 June 2008
The image is a mural on a door I just finished up for a client in Hawaii.
Not wild for this blog... smile.
ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Represented by Monkdogz Urban Art,, Inc.
Monkdogz Urban Art, Inc.
547 West 27th Street
5th floor
New York, NY 10001

I paint and sculpt female fantasy art and map faery tale adventures, testing erotica . I dream of beautiful women on canvas and art of exotic women.
I have illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book. I also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications. My paintings are collected worldwide.
Giclee canvas art work, greeting cards and posters are available for sale on my website:
Sign up for my mailing list for FREE ART GIFTS: Drawings of whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids and fairies in art and "Letter From the Tooth Fairy", all suitable for children.
Some places to find me:
My official site is at: but it is limited to my "In Search Of Klimt" series. There is a secondary gallery of older work there, including the image I use all the time instead of a pic of me, that can be clicked in if you go down any of the pages... you will see it.
I have my "Primal Series' ('R' RATED OK?) on Barebrush at:
On Monkdogz my page is:
About me on Monkdogz:
My paintings are also posted in their 'inventory' with prices. Posted at the top of the page of:
I have a zillion Squidoo lenses, the one getting the most hits because of the keywords being:
Fantasy Art Woman|Beautiful Women Goddess Art:
There are a couple About me pages on there too.. with interviews and stuff. One is R rated because of images.
My MySpace has a slideshow:
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
Main Blog:
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