Title: At the awarding of the state scholarship for intellectual emancipation we remember the table service
Size: 146x230 cm
Medium category: Painting - Acrylic
THE ART FOR HUMANS GALLERY CHINATOWN is pleased to present "Kingdom Come Youth", an exhibit of paintings and drawings by Berlin-based artist Christian Möller. The program for "Kingdom Come Youth," will include the execution of a large painting by the artist on-site at the gallery, during the exhibition run.
Show dates: SEPTEMBER 5-15; with a RECEPTION FOR THE ARTIST on SEPTEMBER 8, from 6-10PM.
945 Chung King Road
Los Angeles, California 90012
GALLERY PHONE: 213.621.7685
GALLERY FAX: 213.621.7635
EMAIL: artforhumans@gmail.com
& by appointment
Thank you very much indeed for your interest
The cream of the crop for you
All the best
The paintings of Christian Möller exert an exotic attraction. Developed merely in black and white tones on large canvasses, the intense, attenuated and pushed movements draw the viewers attention into an impenetrable thicket of compact and transparent forms. They remain fragments rendered two dimensional, however they are in every section modelled multi-layered colourspaces. In no place do these brushstrokes evoke peace and resignation or inner balance in the circling, directed, elliptical or linear forms. More than that, the restlessness and shorthanded notation of colours, which is an intense series of signs and letters scribbled in extreme excitement comparable to a letter or entry in a diary and forming both a unity during the more distant process of reading as well as a readable message, is in danger of drowning on the canvass in a chaos of pictorial signs and endless spaces. Given over to the pull of cosmic breadth in the boundless universe, which is incomprehensible to human conception, single formed shapes reappear as unexpectedly out of the abyss as they disappeared.
The paintings of Christian Möller generate their inner tension in this border area between the surface of the canvass, which reveals the traces of the set colours, and the pictorial depth of colour modulation in endless ratios of black and white tones in all thinkable values of grey to dark black to brightly sparkling flashes of white light. They invite looking. They attract and allure the observer to be reluctantly involved in the dramatic event. Even when he, with aversion and fear of the unknown of such worlds which do not promise beauty, or enjoyment of the aesthetic but probably dread and abysses, tries to defend himself against these, and in trying to resist, then still only looks into himself. The images guide the observer, once submerged inside these dim labyrinth spaces, left alone yet directed by the artist, as Vergil by Dante in the "Divine Comedy", to the world of the inferno as well as to happiness, where life is played out. The longer one stays in these broad painted spaces and moves through them, the richer and more surprising the discoveries of those images which start to come up in our fantasy, occupying our thinking recome. These are not the images which obsessed Christian Möller when he departed on his artistic incarnations, but our own images, which we discovered inside of us........
Dr. Andreas Vowinkel in the catalogue: "Pictures. Very far away; on the invention of longing for a sky of only flowers, the waiting until dawn and the trap of being apart." published by Baden Art Association, Karlsruhe, Germany and Art Association Braunschweig, Germany 1998, ISBN 3-89309-083-5 "I allow a form more freedom, if I do not evaluate it with colours" (assign it colour)
(Christian Möller)
1963 born in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany
1986-92 Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Karlsruhe, Germany
2003 Stipendium Zeppelinhaus Berlin
2000 Fördergemeinschaft Kunst e.V.
1998 Stipendium der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg
1997 Stipendium des Saarländischen Künstlerhauses, Saarbrücken
1994-95 Preisträger beim Deutschen Kunstpreis
1993-96 Atelierstipendium des Landes Baden-Württemberg
1992 Stipendium des Vereins für internationalen Kulturaustausch an der Akademie Vytvarnych Umeni (Akademie der schönen Künste) Prag
1990 Studienreise nach Australien
Solo Exhibitions
2006 wie Gott uns schuf, Sportklubhelga, Berlin, D
2005 neinesgehtgut, Kunstkabine, Berlin, D
2004 Valdez, Zeichnung, Kunstraum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, D
2003 Ein Tag wie jeder andere, Rua da Rosa 17, 2 esq /Bairro Alto/Atelier Luisa Sequeira, Lissabon. P
was das Zeug hält, Studio 1/Zeppelinhaus, Berlin, D
trashcash moron morphine machine, Galerie Junghans, Köln, D
2002 sognami il tempo all' indietro, L'istituto l'arte Malcini, Siena, I
was, für wen, wieso, Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Köln, D
2001 Come un caldo bagno schiuma di zucchero, Galleria Farfalla, Bologna, I
1999 Heute, hier und jetzt, Haus der Kunststiftung, Stuttgart (zusammen mit Axel Brandt), D
Andys Nerven, Das Kunstforum, Köln, D
1998 Ganz weit weg.; Über die Erfindung der Sehnsucht nach nur noch Blumen am Himmel, das Warten bis es hell wird und die Abseitsfalle, Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, D
Team Araldi, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Braunschweig, D
1997 Jetset paradise monsterfactory, Art Association Carlington Road, Dundee, Scotland, GB
Assi 2000, Saarländisches Künstlerhaus, Saarbrücken, D
1994 Debütantenausstellung, Lichthof Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, D
1992 Akademie Vytvarnych Umeni (Akademie der schönen Künste) Prag, Prag, CZ
Group Exhibitions
2004 Modellsituation Berlin, Landesvertretung BW am Tiergarten, Berlin, D
2003 Intershop SüdstattSüd, Haus des Glücks, Kunstraum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, D
2001 Mit leichtem Gepäck, Zeiten der Liebe, Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, D
Le parc des fleurs jaunes, Areal d'art, Nancy, F
Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, D
2000 Gesellschaft der Freunde junger Kunst, Baden/Baden, D
Galerie Schloß Mochental, Ehingen/Donau, D
Kunsthalle Göppingen, Göppingen, D
1997 Städelsches Kunstinstitut, "Villa Romana Preis 1998", Frankfurt am Main, D
Das Kunstforum, Köln, D
1996 Freundeskreis Wilhelmshöhe, Ettlingen, D
Emy-Roeder-Preis, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen am Rhein, D
1994 Haus der Kunst, München, D
1994 >> Katalog-"Wir Kinder vom Rhein", herausgegeben von der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, Vorzugsausgabe von 100 Exemplaren in handgearbeitetem Umschlag, signiert und numeriert >> Katalog-"Deutscher Kunstpreis 1994/95", herausgegeben vom Bundesverband BVR, Bonn >> 1996 >> Katalog "Emy Roeder-Preis", herausgegeben vom Kunstverein Ludwigshafen a.Rh. >> 1998 >> Katalog "Ganz weit weg; Über die Erfindung der Sehnsucht nach nur noch Blumen am Himmel, das Warten bis es hell wird und die Abseitsfalle", herausgegeben vom Badischen Kunstverein Karlsruhe und dem Kunstverein Braunschweig, ISBN 3-89309-083-5, Jahresgabe des Kunstverein Braunschweig >> Katalog-Stipendiaten der Kunststiftung 1998, herausgegeben von der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg >> 2000 >> www.swo.de "Künstler des Monats März/April >> Künstlerportrait in den Badischen Neusten Nachrichten, veröffentlicht von Michael Hübl >> 2001 >> Katalog "Mit leichtem Gepäck", herausgegeben vom Badischen Kunstverein Karlsruhe, ISBN 3-89309-097-5 >> 2003 Katalog "was das Zeug hält", erschienen zur Ausstellung im Studio 1/Zeppelinhaus, Berlin 2003, Jahresgabe des Badischen Kunstverein Karlsruhe, Zahlreiche Rezensionen in Zeitschriften und Tageszeitungen
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