Where is that image of Jesus healing the sick?
I gotta say, I am just AMAZED by what people write on social networking websites. They tell ALL! I am a pretty open person and sometimes worry that I tell too much, too much of my own spirituality information. But you know what? Not in comparison to many. It is pretty stunning isn't it?
A little critical thinking + creative writing + active reading, could go a long way here.
I saw on My Space where a woman wrote about losing a custody battle and CPS stepping in. I saw another where a wife had left, gone 'wild' as the author put it, and left her with the grandkids and her son as a permanent house guest. There was another one where the man said his wife had 'lost her mind' and he was now raising their child alone.
All of these things are tragic, of course they are! But, what is possessing people to post their trials and tribulations on the internet?
I think maybe one thing is because people have lost sight of the fact that they are venting on a public forum. They somehow consider the internet and their personal blogs to be a place for journal writing and that only soft and gentle readers will find them.
I wrote back to person who's troubles seemed too much for them. I feared for their safety! They seemed suicidal. What does one do with something like that? Here is a person you find over the internet who is so distraught they feel their only way of getting it out is over the internet. They feel alone it seems. How does one NOT write back? Yet how does one take on the trials and tribulations of the whole of the internet that cries out for help? HUGE.. it is just a sad and pitiful tale. Like I said, where is Jesus and that picture of him healing the sick? or gads it seems like there is enough spiritual information out there to fill all the oceans on the planet.
Humm, what can people be thinking?
I'll tell you one thing, it has made me pull back even more. I don't want to be part of that club, ya know? I am finding myself doing more critical thinking + creative writing + active reading, and then meditating on it all. Jesus said the sick and broken hearted will always exist, always be with us. I don't want to be hard hearted toward them, I just want to strive more not to be one of them. You too?
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