Radio Interview with Kathy Ostman-Magnusen by Nicole Stevenson
Jan 23, 2007 12:54 PM
Subject Me on New York radio last night!
Body: YAY! and many thanks to Nicole Stevenson!
So cool!...
Me on New York radio last night!
Current mood: artistic and feeling darn happy!
I was interviewed live last night by Nicole Stevenson on New York radio.
If you are an author and are interested in setting up an interview contact Nicole!
It was great to get the press and information about my art out there.
About Nicole Stevenson:
My show First Cut provides a voice to many. First Cut will be returning to Internet radio January 8, 2007 at 10pm est www.artistfirst.com . Past guest Oprah's honoree Legendary singer Melba Moore, Authors Donna Hill, Gregory Townes, Victoria C. Murray, Vincent Alexandria, CEO's etc. It would be my pleasure to have on my show ! The show airs live every Monday.I am asking that all guest post the interview to their sites.
As Founder/Editor of First Cut online newsletter which has been around since 2003! I've had the opportunity to interview many talents gospel singer Natalie Wilson, Playwrights Wambui Bahati our interview made cover 2004 in Vainquer Teen magazine based in Singapore. Actors Tangie Miller, Tyson Hall and several others. Both the newsletter and the radio show have a large audience.
ArtistFirst World Radio Network!
Over 7 million listeners worldwide have enjoyed the independent programming on ArtistFirst World Radio.
ArtistFirst is a Web Radio Station & Distributor. We send a clean clear static-free FM Stereo signal worldwide 24/7.
Our content is EXCLUSIVELY Independent Artist music, book reviews, interviews and shows.
Anyone on-line can tune-in on their PC, anywhere in the world by clicking: http://stream.netro.ca/afrn or logging on to www.artistfirst.com
First Cut!
Nicole M. Stevenson
Editor/Founder of 30 talent's First Cut! Online newsletter
Manager/Founder of http://groups.msn.com/30Talents/
Returning Host First Cut Internet radio 1/8/07 10pm est www.artistfirst.com
Visionary behind "UnBlock" upcoming anthology
Contributing writer to several sites and magazines
For an interview, chat or free advertisement please email Nicole
1718 674-4954 cell thirtynmore@yahoo.com (direct)
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