"Primal Block Party 1" by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Facts About Picasso Tell Us He Was Obsessed- You Too? So then the question is, "How To Interpret Your Dream Of Passion & Creativity Too!"
Facts about Picasso tell us he was obsessed, he lived art. He LIVED art as do most artists who are successful. Dream interpretation, a somewhat stylistic representation of a creative work or dramatic role that tells who we are. We all hope for a passion don't we? Don't you love the idea of being so obsessed with something that you cannot get it out of your mind... that you MUST do it?! When artists of anything are stumped as to what to create, be it painting, or writing, whatever, they long for that feeling as artists for inspiration to return and become a presence. Something in them hopes to fill a need for getting their expression out there, be it pen to paper or fine art reproductions like Andy Warhol.
Pop art used to elude me.. now I think it beacons me! I think I need to have some fun and be playful like Keith Haring. Warhol, Lichenstein, Basquiat. Any artist with a fever for expression keeps in mind that abstract is something from the heart. Chagal painting his dreams, dream interpretation all over his canvases; Keith Haring creating his fun sculptures, Lichenstein with his comic strips gone big... I want to have that fever!
These artists were also caught up in the frenzy of promotion. Bad? Does that lessen the arts quality? Is there also an art to promotion? Just ask Warhol. Isn't that what is done all over the internet with art? Warhol was genius! He would have LOVED to have had internet access.
Passion for art does not necessarily mean drama, it is an expression from the heart that is projected from the soul. The soul of many gives us all kinds of expressions, drama in goth and dragon art, magic in fantasy fairies and goddess art, beauty in the old masters technique; playfulness in pop art, obsession often found in abstract. Keith Haring did some very exciting work and he did it in a fever... one that many artists hope to possess. I do!
by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
copyright 2008
ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
I paint and sculpt female fantasy art and map fairy tale adventures. I dream of beautiful women on canvas and art of exotic women.
I have illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS, taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book. I also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications. My paintings are collected worldwide.
I am Represented by:
Monkdogz Urban Art, Inc., 547 West 27th Street, 5th floor, New York, NY 10001
ORIGINAL ART may be purchased through Monkdogz:
To view my "Primal Series" of art check out Barebrush: