The Story of the Week Positive Thinking? Eeek-This Week I am Undone!
The story of the week positive thinking?
I am undone.
Positive thinking hypnosis cds?
It feels ridiculous at the moment.
Yet, where do I purchase them? lol
10 tips for positive thinking
games for positive thinking?
I can't.
This week I am undone.
I am in fact human
daunted by circumstances that arise.
Today? For me at this second?
I am undone.
Circumstances, oh my
let me react OK?
I am not a robot
or something that can be programmed.
Let me vent at times!
I feel like gum under your shoe
I feel like a child asking for water
I feel like I am a mistake
I feel too much and don't want that pounding.
Take it back?
I wish I could.
Those feelings expressed
I take it back!
I want to.
I want to pull back those inches of me
that now pathetic openness.
I want to cover me in mud
and replace my now bleeding colors.
I want to rip up every expression on canvas
tear through the images
nail them to the cross
then walk away.
It was not me
I want to say
I want to refresh my pitiful page.
There is no power to me now
I gave that away.
How could I?
Edna St. Vincent Millay,
"and the sky caved in
by and by."
I must confess
I feel undone
like someone who does not matter
I used myself away.
The story of the week positive thinking?
I am undone.
Positive thinking hypnosis cds?
It feels ridiculous at the moment.
Yet, where do I purchase them? lol
10 tips for positive thinking
games for positive thinking?
I can't.
This week I am undone.
People pass by the homeless everyday
they walk past them
pretend not to see them
hope they will forget them.
And I?
I do too.
I have abused my own being
not protected that child
the one I thought was on her way to well?
I am sadder than no sky
I am blinder than no hope
I am not able to call on anyone
but me.
In the end it is me alone.
I will recover.
Mistakes eventually become distant
learning sets in
abuse to oneself
or created by others
become like well meaning storm clouds.
You can ignore me
step on my blindfold
yet I will recover
I will arise I assure you.
I will not fold up napkins that don't belong to me.
I will not play with paper dolls that have no vIsion
those ones without the tabs.
They cannot maintain their belongings
nor prepare for the mad and misplaced
never adept in preparation.
The story of the week positive thinking?
I am undone
but I will still survive.
I am allowing myself room to vent!
Positive thinking hypnosis cds?
It feels ridiculous at the moment.
Yet, where do I purchase them? lol
10 tips for positive thinking
games for positive thinking?
I can't.
This week I am undone.
But ya know what?
I feel it is OK!
I will in fact survive
get past this week, this moment.
Yes indeed,
I will recover past this day and others.
31 March 2008
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen