48x24 oil on canvas
by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Wow! I am lovin' Yuwie!
Click the banner or the link and sign up. It is just like MySpace but they actually PAY you!
Yuwie.com | invite friends. hang out. get paid.
ABOUT how you get paid, etc.
Yuwie: Get Paid Cash to Use Yuwie for Free
Yuwie.com | invite friends. hang out. get paid.
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Yuwie is a new social networking site. It is a totally and completely free program very similar to MySpace. The only difference is, you get paid to use it. Go here: http://yuwie.dacaili.com/ Yuwie is totally free to sign up, and when you read, post or have your blogs read, you are earning money. Yuwie pays you via PAYPAL or send a check. Yuwie was launched just a few weeks ago. Get it, share it with others, and start earning money from the advertising! MySpace is HUGE, but they do not share their income with the Members that made it possible for them to earn money from advertisers. Yuwie does!!! Whether you are used to blogging and using the internet or new, this is a free way to help use the internet to freely: 1. Share your stories 2. Post your Business 3. Share your products and what they do 4. Share family stories 5. Publish your stories, poetry, feelings, 6. Comment on Politics 7. Comment on Movies, Actors/Actresses, 8. Anything you want to type - you can here. and You get PAID for doing it. They have a referral program - which allows you to leverage from others when they do it. We used MYSPACE for years, and we never got paid a cent for the referrals we sent there. now we start to make Thousands for the same thing here! Again, go to: http://yuwie.dacaili.com/ We'll see you there! Da Cai Li (Jack) ************************************************************************** Here is a way, how you can earn huge money with Yuwie: Get 3 people involved in Yuwie who get three people for ten levels with a average of 1,000 page views per month, your check from Yuwie for the month could be over $10,000! Let me make it more clear to you! Let me show you step by step: 1. Invite 3 people to Yuwie ( you can invite more, it's free for them to join and earn money!) 2. Ask each of those 3 people to invite 3 people. 3. Just keep telling whoever under you invite at least 3 people. 4. Encourage each referral gets 1000 page views for the month. 5. Your check for the month will be over $10,000. What actually counts as a paid page view? When anyone views any of these pages, it counts as 1 page view for you: your profile page your blog pages view all your friends view all your comments your picture pages if someone views one of your shared layouts When you view any of these pages, it counts as 1 page view. any of your control panel pages, including but not limited to: settings, messaging, friends, referrals, favorites, etc. The following does not count as a page view: Refreshing/reloading a page Any page that's viewed within 3 seconds of the last page doesn't count How do I get paid? You have a choice of 2 ways. Paypal. Paypal is an online payment processing company owned by EBay. Very secure, very reliable, very well know. Yuwie can send you a check. If you choose this method, there is a $1 processing fee to cover postage, and other overhead. FYI: You have to have a minimum of $50 before you can get paid. Yuwie pays net 60 which means any earnings for September will be paid around Dec 1. (Yuwie has to collect from advertisers before they can pay you) If you have any more questions check this FAQ page: http://www.yuwie.com/help/afmhome.aspx I joined on Sept. 1st, 2007 Here is my downline Status:(Until September 18th, 2007) Level Members Level 1 ==40 Level 2 =199 Level 3 =318 Level 4 =112 Level 5 ==52 Level 6 ==11 Level 7 ===2 Level 8 ===0 Level 9 ===0 Level 10 ===0 Total:====733
Yuwie.com | invite friends. hang out. get paid.